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Results are incredibly strong across the board, giving real weight to the school’s focus on providing a strong all-round education underpinned by academic excellence. 62% of all grades achieved were awarded at A*-B alongside a 100% Pass Rate for all students, with nearly 20% of results at A*.

The strong standard of this year’s A Level results, in a non-selective cohort, is a testament to the hard work and dedication students put into their studies supported by an outstanding teaching team, who have worked incredibly hard to support them throughout their journey through Sixth Form.

In Social Sciences students achieved an impressive 82% of grades at (A*-B), with 65% (A*-B) in Humanities; 71% in Economics and Business Studies and 64% (A*-B) across Maths and the Sciences.

“We are incredibly proud of all our wonderful Year 13 students and very excited to watch them head-off to exciting next steps beyond school! It is a real privilege to be able to share such a special day of celebration with such an impressive cohort of young people! We couldn't be more proud of them! We wish them all every success and know they will take with them the strong values, academic curiosity and friendships they have built across their years at Cranford." Dr James Raymond, Headmaster

As a leading co-educational independent day school (3-18), with a strong emphasis on excellence in Sport and Music, and pastoral care that really values each individual student, these results reflect the school's burgeoning reputation for consistent academic excellence, with an average value add of +1.6 at GCSE over the last 5 years.

93% of graduating students are heading off to their chosen university, studying subjects as varied as Bio Medicine, Economics, Law, Bio-Chemistry, Theology, Paramedic Sciences and Classics at Universities ranging from Durham to Bath, Cardiff, Southampton and many other top universities.

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