Parents' & Teachers' Association
The Cranford Parents’ and Teachers' Association comprises a vibrant group of committed parents. Their primary aim is to raise funds to pay for the extra resources which enhance the all-round educational experience of pupils at Cranford. This is achieved through a selection of exciting events for both parents and children held throughout the school year.
Regular events include the Christmas Fair, school discos and the ever popular Friday Cake sales. Other events include quiz nights, musical evenings and a bi-annual Ball.
The friendly team of parents who make up the committee, meet twice a term to discuss fund raising ideas, events, and spending plans. Once a year in September they hold an AGM to present how much they have raised, the allocation of funds and any changes to the committee. Everyone is very welcome to attend.
Each year group in the School has two form reps who act as a conduit for information and ideas between the year groups and the committee, and co-ordinate assistance with events. Many also choose to put together individual social events for year group parents.
Recent Parents’ Association donations to School have included the following items: refurbishment of the Year 11 common room, a new teaching room piano, handheld GPS trackers for use on orienteering expeditions and enhancements to the sports facilities, including a climbing wall, lighting, nets, playground equipment on the front field and a maintenance tractor.
We are always delighted to hear from any parents who are interested in helping us to raise funds, whether as a member of the committee or with assistance on specific projects.