Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. Cranford enjoys a strong reputation for both teaching excellence and for maintaining a focus on each individual pupil’s progress that ensures everyone achieves their full potential. Our Admissions Team are available to guide you through each step of the way.

Admissions Overview

At Cranford, places are not offered due to academic ability alone. Our school is a place where children with a whole host of interests both inside and beyond the classroom thrive. We aim to provide a well-rounded, opportunity-rich education to children ready and willing to make the most of it and it is this fit that we seek to identify during the admissions process. Prospective pupils are not expected to prepare before our entry assessments and the process is designed to allow everyone the chance to showcase their talents, abilities and enthusiasms.

Entry Points

The usual entry point into the Junior School is Reception (rising 5). Where space permits, however, we are happy to accept pupils into other year groups. Please contact the Registrar for more information. At the end of the Junior School over 90% of our pupils move into the Senior School in Year 7.


We are now accepting Registrations for Reception 2025. Early registration is essential to ensure a place on the waiting list and registration requests are processed in the order they are received. A non-returnable registration fee of £75 secures a place on the list.

If you wish to register your child for a place in Cranford's Junior School, please download the Registration Form below:

Registration Form


Pupils entering Reception receive a formal written offer of a place, together with copies of terms and conditions, medical form and acceptance form, up to 12 months prior to the expected joining date. The acceptance form, full medical declaration and a deposit of £1000 should be returned within one month.

Years 1-6

Where space permits, pupils wishing to enter the Junior School in Years 1 – 6 are invited to an assessment day during which they undertake short academic assessments and have an informal meeting with the Headmaster (or one of his Senior Team). Test results and recommendations are reported to the Headmaster who makes a final decision to offer a place. Pupils receive a formal written offer together with copies of terms and conditions, medical form and acceptance form. These must be returned with a deposit of £1000 for pupils entering Years 1 and 2, and £1000 for pupils entering Years 3 – 6.

If you have any questions regarding the admissions process please contact our Registrar on or 01491 651218

For full details of our Admissions procedure, please see our Admissions Policy.

Come join us in the heart of Cranford at Pre-School & Reception Open Morning

27 February 9:30-10:30am