The Governors of Cranford are committed to broadening access to the School by offering eligible parents means-tested financial support (a bursary) with the payment of school fees. Bursary support is based on an assessment of financial circumstances and considers capital assets, income, investments and savings.
Each application is considered upon its own merit, however the School has a duty to ensure that any financial support it offers is well-focused and targeted towards those most in need. Factors considered include, but are not limited to, the suitability of the child to the School and the financial circumstances of the family.
Bursary awards are available for pupils in Reception through to Sixth Form. Bursaries are subject to repeat testing of parental means each year and may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on the financial circumstances of the family. They are reviewed annually. The School is aware that there can be significant changes in family circumstances during the course of a child’s time at Cranford and therefore requests for bursary assistance at other times will be considered where funds are available.
Before applying for a bursary each child must be Registered with the Admissions Office. The Registration Form can be downloaded from this section of the website or is available directly by contacting: admissions@cranfordschool.co.uk Please note, the deadline for bursary applications for entry at the start of the academic year (ie September), is the end of September of the preceding year. Bursary applications that fall outside of this timeline may still be considered, where funds are available.
For more information about Admissions and the Bursary Process please contact our Director of Admissions, Mrs French at admissions@cranfordschool.co.uk.
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