At the heart of daily life in school is a commitment to creative approaches to teaching and learning – we know that children make excellent progress when they are inspired and excited about their learning.
Academic excellence sits firmly at the heart of school life. We encourage an atmosphere of academic endeavour where pupils are recognised as individuals and challenged to reach their fullest potential. Pupils enjoy a varied and exciting day.
Our creative curriculum in Junior School is knowledge-rich and draws on a cross-curricular approach that enables pupils to contextualise their learning, encouraging curiosity, resilience and independent thinking.
“In the Junior School, a large majority of pupils score in the top 10% nationally”
ISI Inspection November 2022
We are very proud that pupils at Cranford consistently achieve over a grade higher in nationally standardised tests and public examinations than pupils at a similar school.
This success is based on a creative approach to teaching and learning that recognises that children make excellent progress when they are inspired and excited by lessons.
Mr King, Year 3 Form Tutor
"As a Form Tutor, I really enjoy overseeing each pupil's personal learning journey across their time in my Form and take great pride in ensuring that every child reaches their fullest potential. The small class sizes and carefully designed curriculum really help us to make learning fun and engaging for all members of my Form."
The creative curriculum within our Junior School balances a cross-curricular approach to learning across the Arts and Humanities with a strong focus on developing core understanding in English and Mathematics. This curriculum is delivered by our highly qualified team of Form Tutors who are supported more broadly by specialist teaching staff in Modern Foreign Languages, Sport and Music.
Rachel Hudson, Deputy Head (Academic)
“This balance of the best aspects of the Primary and Prep models allows our pupils to flourish within an environment that places a strong emphasis on each pupil's individual learning journey. We work closely with the Academic Team in the Senior School to plan a stretching curriculum that ensures the children are well prepared for their next step up into Year 7 at Cranford.”
We pride ourselves on understanding the varied needs of every pupil, allowing a bespoke and individualised approach to life at school.
Academic Life at Cranford: What makes us different?
- Small class sizes
- An emphasis on happy pupils
- Value add of +1 and outstanding performance in nationally standardised testing
- Excellence in English and Mathematics - a curriculum planned from ages 3-18 with close links between Senior School and Junior Staff
- Daily Sport with the option of up to two hours of Sport every day through our curriculum and co-curricular provision
- Exceptional Music provision led by our specialist Music department
- A through-school approach to Modern Foreign Languages with a curriculum planned with GCSE and A-level outcomes in mind