Aims & Values
A Cranford education is a modern education, fit for the 21st Century, but firmly based on traditional values.
Our Aims
- To provide a welcoming and nurturing community, which offers a dynamic, opportunity-rich education, firmly based on traditional values and which draws out the natural potential of each child.
- To maintain an environment where pupils aspire to achieve excellent progress across all aspects of the curriculum.
- To ensure pupils are happy, confident and motivated and that their self-belief, characterised by curiosity, resilience and a spirit of collaboration, inspires them to achieve at each stage of their individual learning journey.
- To deliver teaching and learning at Cranford that is imaginative, vibrant and challenging, meeting the needs of all learners through a differentiated approach, demanding high expectations and a shared accountability for all.
- To provide a broad and challenging curriculum which encompasses the traditional and the innovative, prioritises opportunities for enrichment and independent enquiry and establishes an enduring ethos for learning.
Our Values
These aims are underpinned by the value system we use throughout the school. We have five core values:
- Happiness
- Confidence
- Motivation
- Challenge
- Generosity of Spirit
These values permeate all aspects of school life, from our teaching and learning, broad curriculum and strong pastoral care through to the respectful and supportive relationships pupils, staff and parents develop with each other.
Our Motto
Our school motto, 'Per Salicem Ad Alta', translating as “Through the Willow to the Heights”, uses the willow tree which sits at the heart of the school site to symbolise what a Cranford School education is all about. It reflects our desire to motivate pupils to achieve in each and every aspect of their education. We encourage our pupils to have the happiness and confidence to challenge themselves and dare to simply have a go!