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There’s really no such thing as a ‘standard’ week at Cranford House.

While timetabled lessons and clubs continue regardless, there’s always something unusual happening around school, designed to present our pupils with inspiring opportunities and exciting experiences.

Junior pupils arrived at school on Monday to enjoy just such an experience in the form of an action-packed Reading FC Masterclass. From practising drills like the professionals to checking out the strength of their kicks on a speed trap, the boys and girls really sharpened up their skills and had a great time in the process.

Elsewhere, the end of mock GCSE Examinations saw our Year 11s enjoying a well-deserved celebration. They were whisked into Oxford by our Year 11 Tutors and Pastoral staff for a feast of pizzas, followed by a fun-filled trip to the ice skating rink.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce several new colleagues who join our already excellent teaching team. We welcome back Mrs Fogarty who previously covered maternity leave here and now rejoins us on a permanent basis as a Teacher of Art and Textiles. The PE department is further strengthened by the addition of Mrs Hermsen who brings a wealth of teaching experience and personal sporting achievements to her new role as Teacher of Physical Education, while Mr Blakey, a keen hockey player, joins us as an experienced Teaching Assistant with a sports specialism. Mrs van der Wyck and Dr Ettwein are also very welcome additions to our teaching assistant team, bringing with them wide-ranging experience across a range of professional disciplines. I’m sure you will join me in welcoming them to our school community.

Finally, today’s Senior assembly found us reflecting on the power of Music, the hard work required to excel in it and the chance it gives us to stop and appreciate the moment, rather than racing ahead to the next activity or assignment. The value of slowing down and taking stock has never been more important than in our fast-paced world and I hope that you will enjoy a chance to pause and relax this weekend.

With best wishes

Dr James Raymond