
19 January 2024

Dear Parents

It has been a busy and enjoyable second week of the Spring Term across the school. As ever I continue to be struck by the sheer variety of activity taking place across Cranford, from auditions and rehearsals for the Year 3 and 4 production, to a busy week of sports fixtures, the culmination of the Year 13 and Year 11 mock examinations and so much more in between. In assembly this week, Year 5 and Year 9 reflected with maturity on the theme of resilience and what this means for each of us as members of our community here at school, from acceptance and acknowledgement of a challenge through to the willingness to embrace failure and always try one more time!

Pre-School and Junior School Teaching and Learning!
Our Junior pupils have been working really hard this week. Pre-School have been busy practising their numbers and learning the different values that add up to five. Year 1 have also been working hard in Computing. They had great fun programming BeeBots, discussing positioning, direction, turns and movement. They then had to give the BeeBots very precise instructions to ensure the BeeBots could navigate their way through various planets on the mat. We definitely have some keen Computer Scientists in Year 1! In Drama, Year 6 have produced some exceptional play scripts, based on a short story. They carefully considered stage directions, expression and body positioning of their characters and this activity really fired up their imaginations. They had great fun and really enjoyed sharing their work with the class.

Duke of Edinburgh preparations
On Thursday, groups of Year 9 and Year 10 pupils enjoyed a training day in preparation for their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. They soon warmed up from the freezing temperatures as they completed a training walk from Moulsford onto the edge of the Ridgeway, navigating the route using an Ordnance Survey map and using the landmarks around them. They also learnt about different types of footpaths, byways, bridle tracks as well as the countryside code. Back in the warmth of school, they planned their routes for their training weekend using grid references and pacing guides. They also learned how to pack their rucksacks, what kit they would need, and planned their lunchtime and camp meals. I think they are hoping for slightly less frosty conditions for the real thing and can’t say I blame them!

Spring term week 2 highlights

Post-mock celebrations!
Well done to Year 11 and Year 13 who have completed their mock examinations. They have all worked incredibly hard and we thought they therefore deserved a treat! On Thursday afternoon, following the final A level mock, Year 13 went to the Old Post Office in Wallingford for a hearty celebratory lunch. This was a well-earned feast; they have shown determination and fabulous spirit throughout this busy time. It was a wonderful opportunity to unwind and reflect on their achievements. This afternoon, Year 11 were taken for afternoon tea at The Coppa Club in Streatley, where it was their turn to kick back, relax and enjoy some tempting treats!

Have a lovely weekend.

With best wishes

Dr James Raymond