D5Kl Key Waayydiw

As we end our second week of the Summer Term, it’s my pleasure to congratulate Year 11 on their calm, targeted focus as they approach their last week of lessons at Cranford House.

The GCSE examinations are already underway in both Creative Arts and the Languages and their teachers have been incredibly impressed by our pupils’ positive, purposeful approach. I am looking forward to sharing in the Year 11 leavers’ celebrations next week.

A sense of calm was also much in evidence as our Year 10 Religious Studies pupils visited the Amaravati Monastery to support their studies of Buddhism. As well as enjoying an insightful Q&A session with one of the nuns, they were also instructed in the art of meditation and shared offerings of food with members of the monastic community.

Back at school, the weather made fixtures difficult for some of the week, but I was delighted to hear of our Year 7 and 8 Cricket team’s victory over St Helen and St Katharine on Monday evening and I very much enjoyed an exciting afternoon of sport at the pool for our Junior Swimming Gala. The determination, house spirit and proficiency of our young swimmers was truly impressive during a highly enjoyable afternoon of competition.

Finally, I would like to thank the many families who continue to support our hard-working PTA. We held a very enjoyable Form Reps meeting this week and we are incredibly grateful as a school to the PTA and Form Reps for all the work they do in supporting our school community.

With best wishes for a restful long weekend.

Dr J Raymond