
8 March 2024

Dear Parents

World Book Day
This week has seen a school-wide celebration of the joy reading can bring. An integral part of this were the Junior and Senior Book Fairs where pupils could choose from a fantastic selection of colourful new titles, courtesy of Wallingford Bookshop. Both fairs were met with much excitement, and it was great to see so many pupils taking such pleasure in reading, browsing the books with eagerness and excitement and enjoying the chance to choose their next favourite read. Senior pupils were also treated to a visit and poetry workshop from award winning poet, Vanessa Lampert. Elsewhere, Pre-School had a special trip to the Senior School library and also enjoyed going into the Reception classroom, sharing some of their favourite books with their friends!

To celebrate World Book Day, it was truly delightful to witness the enthusiasm and creativity of pupils and staff dressing up as characters from such a broad range of books – please do take a moment to enjoy these photos! The sight of their vivid costumes not only showcases their imagination but also brings the literary world to life in our school. After assembly, our Junior Pupils enjoyed the annual World Book Day parade around the Willow Tree, unleashing some remarkable characters! We were delighted with the whole school’s response to World Book Day and the value our school places in reading, not only for relaxation but also to enhance creativity, empathy and critical thinking skills. We hope you all enjoy some time escaping this weekend in the pages of a book!

International Womens’ Day
Students also celebrated International Women's Day this week with a range of activities in lessons, form and assembly. Mrs Wekesa and her team from the newly formed Thrive (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee) presented an assembly exploring why International Women's Day is still needed and why differences should be explored, appreciated and honoured. The pupils heard more about this year's theme of International Women’s Day (#inspireinclusion) and shared poems by female poets from around the world including Rupi Kaur, Denice Frohman and Amanda Gorman. Senior School students were challenged to go into the week ahead thinking about how to challenge bias, educate themselves further and continue the conversation around gender equality the importance of inspiring inclusion in school and our wider community. Please see some of the photos from this event.

Open Classrooms this week
A huge than you to all parents who enjoyed visiting us this week for the Year 1 and 2, and also the Year 3 and 4 Open Classrooms. It was lovely to be able to welcome you all, but especially for your children, who were thrilled to share their fabulous work. We couldn't be more proud of the progress that all the children have made this year and it is testament to their hard work that they have such wonderful books filled with facts, creative writing, maths skills and topic talent.

Highlight Montage 8

Gymnastic and Equestrian Success!

Last weekend, a group of under 13 girls took part in a demanding gymnastics contest at Haberdashers Boys' School, as part of a national Independent Schools Gymnastics Association Competition. The team delivered an outstanding performance, earning 5th place in the competition. A special mention to Emily in Year 7, who claimed 7th place in overall standings.

Our Equestrian Team also had a busy morning last Sunday, at the Grassroots Showjumping Qualifiers. They worked brilliantly together, showcasing excellent teamwork, resilience and collaboration and successfully placing in several events!

With best wishes
Dr James Raymond