Chef Paul Nhs

Cranford House and Thomas Franks community kitchen project

Here at Cranford House our own Chef Paul and the catering staff from Thomas Franks are working together to help support the NHS locally. Thomas Franks are working tirelessly to bring to life a community kitchen project with the aim of feeding those in need during the COVID-19 crisis, including members of the NHS who are on the frontline.

This week, Thomas Franks have been able to feed healthcare staff at the Royal Berkshire Hospital Reading and Thatcham Hospital in West Berkshire. This fantastic initiative has been made possible by Cranford House School in Oxfordshire and their support team.

Cranford House have opened their catering facilities to enable members of the Thomas Franks’ team to prepare, cook and package meals for healthcare staff. After meals are prepared, they are transported in chilled vans to the Royal Berkshire Hospital and Thatcham Hospital.

On our first day, we delivered 100 meals to the Royal Berkshire Hospital and 50 to Thatcham Hospital, there was a range of meals available including a meat, vegetarian and vegan option.

With the help from Cranford House and donations from a variety of supporters, Thomas Franks are aiming to provide over 1200 meals a week to NHS healthcare staff at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and Thatcham Hospital.

Thomas Franks would like to take this opportunity to thank Cranford House School, as this initiative would not have been possible without them opening their kitchen for us. We would also like to thank our generous donors as without them, none of this would be possible.

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