In memory of Mrs Glenda Hemken, Deputy Head

Mrs Glenda Hemken, Deputy Head and Teacher of English and Drama, 1965 - 1993
A tribute by Mrs Alison Gray, Headmistress 1992 - 2002
"In 1965, Glenda Hemken followed her young daughter, Celia, to Cranford, as teacher of English and Drama. Glenda found her pupils to be very different from those she had taught previously in tough comprehensive schools - sometimes the girls' initial description of their new teacher was "scary" ! However, it was not long before they realised that hard work earned fulsome praise and roles in Glenda's extremely professional drama productions were much sought after and great fun.
In later years, Glenda served as Deputy Head and as such, we were treated every Tuesday to the most wonderful Assembly. We "travelled" with Glenda and husband, John, across the globe to India, South America and Indonesia. We climbed with her up Pendle Hill to visit the witches and waited with bated breath for the next instalment about the cygnets in her river garden; she was an inspired story-teller!
From my perspective, as a raw new Headmistress in the early 1990s, Glenda was an invaluable support, full of wisdom offered with an unfailing sense of humour and always willing to embrace, at that challenging time, the very necessary changes. We have lost a great teacher and friend and extend our heartfelt sympathy to Glenda's husband, John, and her daughters, Celia and Verity."