GCSE Drama
Drama pupils can develop an insight into and an understanding of a range of activities. Drama is an exciting, creative and challenging course which has been designed to help candidates to meet those challenges, whilst developing new skills and enhancing those already established.
an introduction to gcse drama
Why choose GCSE Drama?
Pupils gain an insight and understanding of a wide range of topics. Drama is an exciting, expressive and challenging course which enables students to work together in a practical way. Drama is not only a platform to the stage but is also a confidence builder, a teamwork facilitator and a way of expressing ideas and opinions.
Drama in the Sixth Form
A-level Drama and Theatre consists of studying historical approaches to theatre and drama, understanding a variety of key practitioners, studying and reflecting on live theatre performance and producing a series of assessed performances in both devised and scripted options. Students will extend their ability to create drama and study plays, playwrights and live theatre.