An introduction to Mathematics A-level
A brief overview from our A-level teachers.
What does it involve?
A-level Mathematics at Cranford follows a rigorous and engaging curriculum designed to help prepare students for the high expectations of the most respected universities and demanding professional pathways. The overarching themes of the course are mathematical argument, language and proof, mathematical problem-solving and mathematical modelling. The students study a combination of Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics, with Pure Mathematics accounting for approximately two thirds of the overall content.
An intellectually demanding course, Mathematics ensures students are able to calculate confidently and work with scientific ideas, as well as training students in analytical and logical thinking. The syllabus requires the ability to work independently and students will need a high degree of motivation, perseverance and a genuine interest and enjoyment of this challenging subject. However, despite being a challenge, when tackled with determination and enthusiasm, Mathematics is undoubtedly fun! It fits well with many other A-level subjects, complementing the Sciences whilst also contrasting well with Art subjects.
How is it assessed?
Assessment takes the form of three two-hour examination papers, taken at the end of the two-year programme of study.
Which skills or qualifications do I need?
A good pass in GCSE Mathematics is required to study Mathematics and Further Mathematics A-level and any student wishing to study Mathematics A-level is encouraged to speak to the Head of Department.
University or employment prospects?
Mathematics is a subject which is always looked upon favourably in the employment sector. It has links with Science, Engineering and Accountancy but also sits well with many other subjects and supports many university courses that major in a different area.