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We’re clear at Cranford House that a well-rounded education that embraces and nurtures the widest possible range of skills and talents is crucial to our work here in school.

Key amongst these skills is creativity, the ability to engineer and invent using the imagination, and I have been proud to see just that attribute much in evidence in school this week.

Our Year 7 STEM Event was an amazing showcase for the pupils’ Autumn Term project, A Mission To Mars. Displaying truly inventive presentation, they included amazing variety in their exhibits, with everything from LEGO rockets to space centre models, interactive quizzes, posters packed with data, edible planets and even a taste of real space food! It was a really impressive show of both ingenuity and a lot of hard work. Very well done to all our Year 7s and thank you to everyone who came along to support them and admire their work! You can see more photos from the event here.

Further down the school, it was been wonderful to see the wintery scenes in Reception where the boys and girls are learning about the Arctic and Antarctic. With the classroom filled with fantastically imaginative role play areas and topic-related activities, the children have responded in equally creative fashion, producing some absolutely outstanding wildlife paintings. I hope you enjoy taking a look at just a few of them here.

We also have further cause for congratulations, firstly to our Year 11s who are nearing the end of their Mock GCSEs, having acquitted themselves with focus and determination. Very well done to them all.

Also, we’re very pleased to be able to congratulate Miss Oliver of Year 6 who is expecting a baby in the Summer Term. This is wonderful news and I’m sure you will join me in wishing her the very best.

Finally, my thanks, as ever, to our hard-working PTA who I met with this week – their fund raising efforts are very much appreciated and make a real difference to the experience of pupils in school.

With best wishes for a restful weekend,

Dr J Raymond